Wide range of investment opportunities

Mitigating some of the risk that individual investors take on

There are many reasons to invest through a fund, rather than buying assets on your own. At a basic level, investing in a fund means having a fund manager make investment decisions on behalf of the investor. There are many types of investment, each one having its own stated goals and objectives.

Pound cost averaging

Smoothing out the ups and downs of the market

Pound cost averaging is a technique that reduces exposure to falling markets from investing a lump sum. Investing at regular intervals can be a good idea to help smooth out the ups and downs of the market. Timing the exact moment to enter or leave the market can be extremely difficult and investors inherently run the risk of investing at the top of a market cycle, or exiting at the bottom.

Diverse range of funds

Choosing a broad spread of instruments in which to invest

Pooled investment funds are usually large funds built by aggregating relatively small investments from individuals. A professional fund manager (or a team of fund managers) determines which assets to invest in and then purchases accordingly. They are also known as ‘collective investment schemes’.

Top 4 tips for good tax planning

What should I consider before the end of this tax year?

The end of the 2019/20 tax year is fast approaching, and there are a number of valuable allowances and reliefs that will be lost if they are not used before the deadline.

Time to give your pension pot a boost?

Planning ahead for the financial future you want

Planning for retirement can be both exciting and daunting. It’s essential to structure your affairs to make sure you have enough money when you eventually retire. To give your pension pot a boost, one option to consider if your pension savings are more than your annual allowance is to take advantage of the ‘carry forward’ rules for unused annual allowances from previous years and still receive tax relief.

Portfolio diversification

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Portfolio diversification is the foundational concept of investing. It’s a risk management strategy of combining a variety of assets to reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio.

Preserving your legacy

How to keep your wealth in the family

Are you worried about leaving an inheritance to your loved ones and then having them pay tax on your legacy? No one likes to think about a time when they won’t be here, but unfortunately the reality is that some people aren’t prepared financially.

Planning for tomorrow

Will my retirement income be enough to live ON comfortably?

The questions our clients almost always ask us are: ‘Will I be able to retire when I want to? Will I run out of money? How can I guarantee the kind of retirement I want?’

Divorcees risk losing out on pensions

Dividing this asset is of vital importance to avoid pension poverty

Divorce is an emotional and stressful period for those who have to go through it. However, it’s important that people realise that a pension is a valuable asset when considering how they split their money.

Retirement options

£19m released each day since pension freedoms launch

In his 2015 Spring Budget, then-chancellor George Osborne introduced sweeping changes to the way that pensions are taxed. The new pension freedom rules have led to the over-55s being faced with a variety of different choices when taking and investing their nest eggs.